
About Yens Svayder

Yens manages all operations at the GoTire warehouse — from inventory distribution to logistics, from leading the warehouse team to the equipment upgrade. Having worked in the tire industry for five years and over a decade — in the customer-service management, Yens knows exactly what to offer the drivers. His area of expertise is new tires and everything from choosing to installing and maintaining them. In his spare time, Yens enjoys history books, good movies, and riding his bike. By the way, one of the topics he covers in the blog: “Is it possible to inflate a car tire with a bike pump?” All of his articles are based on personal experience. Write to Yens or comment on a post if you have a tire-related question!
10 02, 2023

Recommended Tire Pressure—How Much Air Do I Put in My Tires?

By |2024-05-03T09:23:25+00:00February 10th, 2023|Maintenance, Tires|Comments Off on Recommended Tire Pressure—How Much Air Do I Put in My Tires?

If you're a regular motorist, you are aware that having the correct tire pressure for your car is essential for safety and fuel efficiency. The question is—what is the recommended tire pressure for your particular vehicle, how to check it, and what to do if your tires are the wrong pressure? Read on to get the answers!

1 02, 2023

Low Tire Pressure: How Long Can You Drive and What are the Risks?

By |2024-05-03T09:23:33+00:00February 1st, 2023|Tire pro tips, Tires|Comments Off on Low Tire Pressure: How Long Can You Drive and What are the Risks?

If your tire pressure is just below 30 psi, you can still drive on it for a few hours. But if you got a TPMS light on or the pressure is at 20 psi, filling the tire with air is an emergency. What happens if you don't do it, or if the psi is too high, tells GoTire specialist Yens Svayder. Plus, he shares a few handy tips that every driver should know.

1 02, 2023

Wondering, How Much do New Tires Cost? Here are the 2023 Prices

By |2024-05-03T09:23:36+00:00February 1st, 2023|How to buy tires, Tires|Comments Off on Wondering, How Much do New Tires Cost? Here are the 2023 Prices

If you’re wondering how much new tires cost, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered with this Guide to all things related to tire prices. We look at everything that affects the cost of a set of tires and what you should consider when making this all-important purchase.

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