
About Yens Svayder

Yens manages all operations at the GoTire warehouse — from inventory distribution to logistics, from leading the warehouse team to the equipment upgrade. Having worked in the tire industry for five years and over a decade — in the customer-service management, Yens knows exactly what to offer the drivers. His area of expertise is new tires and everything from choosing to installing and maintaining them. In his spare time, Yens enjoys history books, good movies, and riding his bike. By the way, one of the topics he covers in the blog: “Is it possible to inflate a car tire with a bike pump?” All of his articles are based on personal experience. Write to Yens or comment on a post if you have a tire-related question!
12 06, 2023

Stay Safe Driving in the Rain—10 Essential Tips

By |2024-05-03T08:30:56+00:00June 12th, 2023|Cars, Road safety|Comments Off on Stay Safe Driving in the Rain—10 Essential Tips

Wet weather can decrease visibility, make it harder to control your vehicle, and cause hydroplaning. To help you stay safe driving in the rain, our experts at GoTire have put together the 10 most important pieces of advice for driving in rainy conditions.

12 06, 2023

All Types of Tires for Cars: Which One Should You Buy? GoTire Expert’s Tips

By |2024-05-03T08:31:07+00:00June 12th, 2023|How to buy tires, Tire guides, Tires|Comments Off on All Types of Tires for Cars: Which One Should You Buy? GoTire Expert’s Tips

There are many different types of tires, and each has a specific design and function. Choosing between them can be confusing and daunting. But fear not! In this articles, we review all types of tires—and help you choose the right ones for your ride!

12 06, 2023

How to Calibrate the Tire Pressure Sensor and Monitoring System? Hondas as an example

By |2024-05-03T08:39:07+00:00June 12th, 2023|Maintenance, Tires|Comments Off on How to Calibrate the Tire Pressure Sensor and Monitoring System? Hondas as an example

Modern vehicles come with Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems (TPMS) with a tire pressure sensor on each tire. And sometimes, they need to be calibrated. We'll explain the importance of your TPMS sensors and how to calibrate them so you always know you're driving safely with the proper air pressure. Let's take the two most popular Honda models as an example.

8 06, 2023

Car Warning Lights: What Do They Mean & When Do I need to Take Action?

By |2024-05-03T08:39:17+00:00June 8th, 2023|Car pro tips, Cars|Comments Off on Car Warning Lights: What Do They Mean & When Do I need to Take Action?

Knowing how to interpret each warning symbol on your dashboard isn't always easy.knowing how to interpret each symbol isn't always easy. It can be tough to know which dashboard lights are alerting you to a serious issue that requires immediate attention or ones that are more benign. In this post, we explain some of the common lights and what you should do about them, if anything.

8 06, 2023

Putting Bigger Tires on Your Car: Pros and Cons

By |2024-05-03T08:39:22+00:00June 8th, 2023|Tire guides, Tires|Comments Off on Putting Bigger Tires on Your Car: Pros and Cons

Been thinking about changing the size of your vehicle's tires? Well, putting bigger tires on your car or light truck will change more than just how it looks. With today's modern cars, this seemingly simple change is anything but; many factors go into this decision. Keep reading to find out all the pros and cons of changing your tire size.

8 06, 2023

How Can Tire Problems Indicate Car Trouble? Expert’s Tips

By |2024-05-03T08:39:26+00:00June 8th, 2023|Maintenance, Tires|Comments Off on How Can Tire Problems Indicate Car Trouble? Expert’s Tips

Did you know that specific tire problems can indicate certain types of car trouble? Maybe you've noticed some kind of uneven wear on your tire tread and are wondering what it means. Well, depending on what that tread wear looks like, you might be able to accurately diagnose the problem that's causing it. Keep reading to find out what each specific tire problem means for your automobile.

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